5 things you can do to better deal with isolation

Guilherme Poyares
3 min readMar 23, 2020


1 — Increase activity do some exercise at home

In these times of isolation, it is more challenging to maintain a daily level of activities and exercise.
One way to maintain or increase the level of movement is to use the stairs of your home or building.

Take the stairs to the ground floor of your building and then go back up the stairs, do this once a day.
See how you feel, see how your body behaves
If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop on the floor you are on, take a deep breath, and climb back up to your apartment. Do it once a day.
When the descent becomes easier, go down one more floor and see how you feel if you can go down until the ground floor.
Go up the stairs to the next floor, when you are tired and panting, stop and use the elevator to get back to your apartment, repeat the next day again.
You will notice that with the days, you will gradually feel easier to climb the stairs. The body needs time to adapt to the news.
For those who live on lower floors, go get to the ground floor and go up to the level you feel comfortable, and go back down to your apartment.
For those who live in homes, try to create reasons to use the stairs often.
If your office is on the ground floor, use the bathroom on the second floor, if your office is on the second floor, go down to the kitchen often to get a glass of water or coffee.

Don’t push and don’t be in a hurry, take your time
Any amount of movement is always better than no movement
Do this by listening to music, podcast, or audiobook.

If it’s easy, do it twice or more a day.

2 — Get up, walk and move a little every 20 minutes

Get up a few steps, move your head, move your arms and shoulders
In the intervals between tasks, walk, if you can’t do it every 20 minutes, do it hourly if you can’t do it regularly, do it between jobs.
Move the neck sideways.

3 — Buy an activity monitor watch

An activity monitor will help and encourage you to be more active
There are watches like the Xiaomi MyBad 4 that cost about 40 bucks and monitor the number of steps you take per day.
Research shows that by monitoring the steps, people increase the distance walked by one and a half kilometers a day just because they are observing.

4 — Disconnect from the internet and see what’s around you

Talk to your family, do an activity/play with your children.
Read a book — Buy Comics or Books
Disconnect from news
Enjoy what you have: the sun, the deliverers, the hot water.
See the things you take for granted with gratitude.

5 — Write 5 things because you are grateful every day

The exercise of gratitude helps to calm the mind and increase the sense of happiness.

6 — Make contact with other people
Make video calls, make lives on Instagram
Call the neighbor over the intercom
Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Zoom, Skype, there are several tools to connect with people.
Any friends or relatives you haven’t seen in a long time?
Social isolation is only physical, virtual contact does not pass the virus ;-)

