An incredible newness and a gift for YOU!

Guilherme Poyares
2 min readMar 15, 2020

The track on Saúde 4.0 that I submitted to The Developers Conference Florianópolis (#TheDevConf) was approved. We will have the opportunity to discuss YOUR health and new technologies and news in this area.

I know that not everyone is going to TDC, so I want to expand the content here for our community.

I will bring interviews and conversations with professionals who will help us with our health!

These are the newness and the gift?

I am so happy to participate in this incredible event full of energy with this invitation that I decided — before I even have new content — to help YOU in YOUR health!

In celebration of my participation in The Developers Conference Florianópolis (#TheDevConf), I will open space on my schedule next week to help you have fantastic health in 2020!

Do you run out of energy?
Do you have pain in your back, arms, and legs?
Do you wake up tired or have headaches?
Do you feel heavy, unmotivated, without time to take care of yourself?
Does your energy run out in the middle of the day?
These are all symptoms of health at risk!

I know that very well.

In 2012, I felt that way, and I went to the cardiologist, did a lot of tests, took a lot of drugs and injections. I even did catheterism.

The doctor gave me a shake, and I managed to get around. I lost 55 kilos (121 pounds), and I became a skater, I went more in-depth in the health area!

But I found out how to do it well, without suffering!

If you want to make a comeback, this week, I WILL HELP YOU!

I reserved ten spaces in my schedule to have a 1 to 1 conversation about YOUR health. In this 45 min conversation, I will help you:

  • Be clear about your health goals in 2020
  • I will eliminate the main problem that prevents you from reaching those goals
  • Together, we will put a plan for you to have fantastic health in 2020!

Ah! This conversation is TOTALLY FREE! My gift to you!

Interest? Please reply to this message NOW so that we can make an appointment. I have a few spaces, so whoever scores first wins!

I am waiting for you!

